Support EngineeringTrainer PDH and CEUs: What You Need to do to Maintain Your Professional Engineering License *Engineering is a field in which continuous learning and development are required. Thus, engineers are always looking for new methods to improve their skills, either by getting Continuing Education Un... CEU Education NCEES PDH engineering lifelonglearning technical courses Dec 16, 2021
Support EngineeringTrainer The Environmental Benefits of Online Learning Since the pandemic, remote education has * increased [1] the demand for online learning. But, the benefits extend beyond the classroom as online learning is also eco-friendly. As the * 2022 COP26 con... SaveTheEnviroment engineering lifelonglearning savetheplanet technical courses Nov 22, 2021
Support EngineeringTrainer Why employee training & development is key for retention and recruitment * As most HR managers already understand, attracting and retaining talent builds a strong workforce that becomes even more productive and valuable over time. High turnover is costly and slows down pro... engineering lifelonglearning technical courses Oct 12, 2021
Support EngineeringTrainer How COVID-19 Is Impacting The Way New Generations learn While the western part of the world, where more and more people are getting vaccinated, is slowly getting back to a normal way of living, remote education is still very much a part of every day life -... engineering engineering blog lifelonglearning online learning pipestress technical courses Oct 4, 2021
Support EngineeringTrainer Online Learning and its role in solving the skills gap in the Oil & Gas Industry *In many sectors continuous schooling of employees has become a key characteristic for competitiveness of organizations. This seems to become more important as technology and knowledge are advancing a... engineering lifelonglearning pipestress technical courses Sep 20, 2021
Support EngineeringTrainer Applying a culture of learning to attract and retain talented engineers *Nowadays, job posts for engineering positions are tough to fill in almost all disciplines in heavy industries. So for this sort of vacancy to fill, an organization needs to use attractive perspective... lifelonglearning pipestress technical courses Sep 7, 2021
Support EngineeringTrainer Benefits of eLearning for Engineers *In today’s rapidly progressing engineering landscape, there is an increasing obligation to, on a regular basis, transform and update the undergraduate educational experience from the old traditional ... engineering lifelonglearning pipestress technical courses Aug 23, 2021
Support EngineeringTrainer E-learning trends for engineering professionals *With the growing popularity of e-learning, engineers in the Oil and Gas sector and other heavy industry sectors are not left behind. Online courses are a great way to bridge the skill gap between mat... engineering lifelonglearning pipestress technical courses Aug 9, 2021
Support EngineeringTrainer Modern learning tools to tackle the oil & gas skill gap *With the increasing popularity of modern technology and learning tools, many employers in the Oil & Gas sector are facing the problem of a skill gap. This problem consists of recruitment difficulties... engineering lifelonglearning pipestress technical courses Jun 15, 2021